The Pineapple Clan

The Pineapple Clan
Aloha and Mahalo for your support PxKaes

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My News Print Paintings...

I saw this sick Artist in Contrast Magazine (Ben Horton) who use newsprints in the background of one of his pieces. I thought maybe I could try using the whole thing as my canvas, It’s free (I’m in Prison) And I make $5.25 a month, just enough for 2 x 15 minute phone calls home to Hawai’i) The other reasons started clicking on why this makes sense to use the news prints. It’s a cool way to follow my evolution and current events in the world when it was created. I also try to use only papers with the mailing tag on of what prison I was housed at and what area I was in when it was made. It makes all my pieces unique in the sense that once I transfer prisons I can no longer make or duplicate a piece with that tag on it ever again, kind of like a limited edition canvases. I did get a couple of requests from homies in Hawaii that wanted to send me a Hawai’i newspaper to paint on and even though I could really use the money I had to decline because when you see one of my pieces done on a Hawaii newspaper That means I’m finally HOME!

Let me know what you think! aloha!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mirror & Matching

"Mirror and matching can be a funny thing because sometimes people dont know how ugly they act until they have someone do it to them =)"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Good News =)

I meditated today and i saw great energy coming to me,flowing thru me, and then my Counselor called me up to his office today and gave me my release date and its 10 days ahead of the projection =)

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Add me to your facebook page: Keoni "PxKaes" Payton

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Resting In Paradise

 By: Keoni "P.Kaes" Payton

Sometimes ill read something or go thru and experience and it will trigger a feeling that i want to share with them, and even though there no longer here i can still feel their response to the feeling of my question or statement. The funny thing is that sometimes i can still feel their disagreement, disappointment,approval,happiness, friendship, excitement and most of all...LOVE!
Miss you guys and till we meet again im gonna keep feeling =*)

Aloha - PxKaes

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Soon...Hawai'i Nei

Artwork Done by:  PxKaes

What Do you guys think? =) Feedback is highly appreciated....

Aloha, PxKaes!

Monday, February 14, 2011

..::Love DOES Kill::..

Happy Valentines to My Valentine, Friends and Ohana...

Hope you enjoy my new Valentines Colab. release......Let me know what you think...

ALOHA - PxKaes!!!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines Release Tommorow =)

Tomorrows the big release day for the Valentines day colabs. Hope you like it...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

So I Had Sometime To Kill...

 I had some time to kill, so i gave myself a few more options in society's eyes. Who's to say it will be beneficial in what it will provide for me as far as lifestyle and comforts, but i do know this...I can argue points with people more effectively if i choose to do so and im smart enough to know when to agree to disagree, ahahahahahahaha...I almost hate that im always right.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


Just wanted to share with my friends and Ohana an amazing artist that I have been lucky to work with....

Check out his website...You won't regret it.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I was watching the local news last-night and it said that the teachers in the area have the right to check students (MINORS) cell phones to see if they were sexting!...What a bunch of fkn sick pedophile inbreeds that they would allow people/teachers/strangers to look at potential pictures of sexual nature of kids in school. As soon as the teachers touch that phone and look at that picture they should be brought up on charges of child porn. This whole area out here is fkn sick in the head. Is it just here, or are the allowing this injustice to happen to our kids in other areas to?
Beleive me, with the way people around here act it wouldn't surprise me. I mean its not every one but in the people and staff i come into contact with its 1 out of 4 that are Lying shady racist fucks.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Choose A Side & Fight...

It seems to me that there is no place on earth that is safe from WAR.

In most cases the only thing you can do is choose a side and fight, making it seem like your only choice is who to choose and what to fight for?...Let your cause be great and your heart be right in your decisions.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lies & Manipulation = KAPU!!!

I would love to shed some light on the whole prison aspect of Hawaii inmates being sent so far from home.  I would love support from people back home to help me out here with the mistreatment and injustice on how this facility is ran and its racial politics. I'm gonna work my hardest to bring the D.A.P teachers who abused my mental welfare and kept me here thru lies and manipulation to justice, and if possible a federal indictment against them. Its crazy how they treat the Hawaii people up here because they know were so far from home and that there's not much we can do about it...Imua!

I have been Working on Letters to the following people....but can only do so much behind these walls. would love the support, feedback from my friends and family....ALOHA!

Public Safety Director- Hawaii
Jodie Maesaka-Hirata
919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 400
Honolulu, Hawaii  96814 (Map)
Telephone:  (808) 587-1288
Fax:  (808) 587-1282

Hawai'is State Governor 
Neil Abercrombie
1050 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste. 2150, Honolulu, HI 96814
| Ph: (808) 589-2237
| Email:

-P.Kaes!!! =)

P.S. Don't be afraid to comment your thoughts on my blog :P ahahahaha

Mama I`m Coming Home

I heard this song this morning... i liked it when i was cleaning out my art desk....


Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentines Special...

I found her hiding PT.3 (stay tuned, she's changing)
Canvas by: PxKaes

Thursday, February 3, 2011

True Aloha

There is no act of ALOHA more beautiful than the generosity of people who don't have much.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

W@lking B@ck h0me..

People always ask me why it looks like im walking in almost a jogging pace and the truth is i don't know?...I think i have anxiety and i feel like walking is a waste of time so im just trying to get it over with. I mean its not like the faster i get things done and out of the way, the faster i will get to get out of prison and get to go home...Time to slow down and breathe in the moment...Today was a little chilly but it was sunny and it felt good...thnx for stopping by...

Stay Tuned...

Valentines series coming up so stay tuned...Hopefully it wont break your heart.
 Artwork By: PxKaes

Honesty & Trust

Todays subject is honesty and trust kids...Its a house that is lived in when its convenient, the doormat at the entrance says "WELCOME" but the one in front of the sliding door in the back says "SUCKER". With every problem the house has we can choose either to pay the mortgage or sell it, i mean there's no sense living in it anymore if it feels cold and foreign right?

Im in prison so im not so sure how my house is doing but when i do get to move back into it, if the cozy feeling aint there you will see a "FOR SALE" sign in the front of the property and im pretty sure one of my friends will try to buy it since they like to live in my shit after i move out, ahahahahahahahahaha...Sayonara bitches!

Aloha - P.Kaes