I saw this sick Artist in Contrast Magazine (Ben Horton) who use newsprints in the background of one of his pieces. I thought maybe I could try using the whole thing as my canvas, It’s free (I’m in Prison) And I make $5.25 a month, just enough for 2 x 15 minute phone calls home to Hawai’i) The other reasons started clicking on why this makes sense to use the news prints. It’s a cool way to follow my evolution and current events in the world when it was created. I also try to use only papers with the mailing tag on of what prison I was housed at and what area I was in when it was made. It makes all my pieces unique in the sense that once I transfer prisons I can no longer make or duplicate a piece with that tag on it ever again, kind of like a limited edition canvases. I did get a couple of requests from homies in Hawaii that wanted to send me a Hawai’i newspaper to paint on and even though I could really use the money I had to decline because when you see one of my pieces done on a Hawaii newspaper That means I’m finally HOME!
Let me know what you think! aloha!